Alsana Recovery Eating Disorder Treatment

Anorexia is a disorder of eating which can cause severe harm on the body as well as the mind. People suffering from anorexia tend to limit their diet and can result in extreme malnutrition, and sometimes even death. Anorexia is a mental disorder which requires medical treatment.

Alsana offers special treatment for those suffering from anorexia. These programs aim to assist patients regain their health and live fuller lives. We provide a variety services, such as medical care as well as nutritional counseling, psychotherapy assistance, and much other. Our mission is to help our patients overcome their anorexia and lead fully and happily.

Is ARFID a real thing?

Anorexia Nervosa, often called anorexia is an eating disorder that is characterized by self-starvation and a large weight loss. People suffering from anorexia usually limit their intake of food or exercise too much, and cleanse themselves of the food they consume through vomiting or using laxatives. Anorexia is a severe mental illness that can lead to life-threatening physical consequences.

ARFID, also known as avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (AFID), is a new term used to describe those who exhibit abnormal eating habits similar to anorexia nervosa , but don’t meet the complete criteria for the diagnosis. Affected individuals ARFID may also be restricted in their intake of food, however unlike those with anorexia they don’t typically have an anxiety about gaining weight or becoming obese. People who suffer from ARFID might also be hesitant to eat certain foods due unpleasant smells or textures or due to fearful of eating or vomiting. Because of the avoidance behavior, people who suffer from ARFID could be deficient in important nutrients and experience significant weight loss. ARFID is thought to be a severe mental illness that may cause permanent physical health issues when left untreated.

Is there a treatment for ARFID?

There is no universal solution to this question because the treatment for ARFID is different according to the patient and their disease. But, there are general guidelines that should be used when treating ARFID.

It is the first thing to review the person’s eating habits and overall nutritional state. This will allow you to know the changes that must be made so as to enhance the nutrition of the individual and fix any underlying issues that could contribute in their ARFID.

When a proper nutrition program has been established Therapy can then begin. The therapy known as cognitive-behavioral (CBT) is commonly utilized to treat ARFID because it helps patients recognize and modify any negative thoughts or behavior which may contribute to their condition. The therapy of exposure can also be utilized to gradually expose the patient to the fearful food or events in a safe, controlled environment.

It is also possible to prescribe medication in the most severe instances of ARFID however this is generally only done in cases where other treatments have not worked. The selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are often prescribed to help in reducing anxiety and improving mood.

It is essential to understand that recovering from ARFID requires time and perseverance. There isn’t a quick fix for this disorder, however, when treated properly, the majority of sufferers are able to overcome their fears and be able to enjoy a more diverse diet.

Eating Disorders Asana St.Louis Treatment

The mental health effects of eating disorders can be serious. disorders that can cause devastating impacts on one’s well-being, physically as well as psychologically. If someone in your life struggles to overcome an eating problem, it’s vital to seek help from a professional.

Alsana on Instagram is a renowned provider of treatment for eating disorders across the St. Louis area. We offer a broad variety of services to assist our clients in recovering from their condition and live life that is healthy and fulfilling.

Our treatment plans are customized to meet each patient’s specific needs. We provide both outpatient and inpatient services. If you require intensive care to treat severe ailments or more flexible care in your return to your routine, we’ll create the right plan for you.

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In addition to the traditional treatments such as individual counseling and Group therapy, we provide food counseling, meal plan assistance, and fitness guidance. We recognize that each aspect in your healing is crucial and we’re here assist you throughout the journey.

If you’re ready to take that first step towards recovery, call us now. We’re here to assist you get back to living the life you’ve always dreamed of living.


Should you, or anyone you know struggles in an eating disorder do not hesitate to contact Alsana for assistance. Alsana provides a range of treatments that are personalized to suit each person’s requirements. Their staff of professionals are dedicated to helping those recovering of eating disorders. If you’re unsure of where to begin, Alsana’s website offers a variety of useful resources to help you begin the road towards recovery.
