The Ultimate Guide to Custom Canopy Tents

Do you need a custom canopy tent? This is an important question if you want to make sure that your wedding day, outdoor party, or other event goes off without a hitch. Custom canopy tents are not just for large events – they can also be used as temporary shelter in emergencies and natural disasters. To find out more about these versatile structures and how they can help enhance your next event, keep reading!

What Are Canopy Tents?

Canopy tents are temporary structures that provide shelter from the sun and rain. They can be used as a structure for weddings, parties, or other events. Canopies have been around since at least Ancient Rome – soldiers would carry them with their gear so they could enjoy shade during battle.

Types of Tents

There are three basic types of custom canopy tents:

Custom Canopy Tent Sizes   

The size of your tent will depend on the type and length of event you are hosting. For weddings, make sure your guests have enough room to move around inside – it can be difficult for people who need special accommodations (wheelchairs) if they do not have adequate space in which to sit.

When choosing the size of your canopy tent, make sure there is enough room for all guests to stand comfortably in front of their chairs or tables. This will ensure that everyone has a good view of you and/or whoever else may be speaking at an outdoor wedding or party. If this is not possible due to limited space, consider having an aisle for people to walk down or have multiple rows of chairs so that everyone can get a good view.

Color of Tent

Canopy tents are usually either white, off-white (ivory), or beige in color depending on your preference and the overall theme you choose for your wedding or party. They come in different shapes, including circular, square, and rectangular.

Custom Canopy Tent Designs

Canopies can be customized with your choice of designs, including stripes (horizontal or vertical), polka dots, plaids, paisley prints, solid colors (your wedding color for example), etc. You also get to choose different tent shapes according to what you think will look best for your event.

KD Kanopy

(303) 650-1310
